Friday, May 05, 2006

I am Moony

Hi everyone!
I have always wanted to have my own blog for so long, but for some reasons including both personal and IT reasons, I didnt have one till now. Prettty sure that I am the new comer to most of you guys who have had your own blogs long long ago. Kind excited to get my own too, then I can put my thoughts on air and everybody can know how crazy i am and I am Moony.
IF you guys think of blog as a diary, I used to have one which was a bog book and I wrote all of my crazy thoughts and stories down there for my self only. The diary used to be my best friend when I was a girl at high school and even at university. Every single funny and stupid thing was writen down there and later on, the only reader of that diary was me. Reading what I wrote down there few days ago or just few mins ago made me feel much better when I had some troubles or just girly things happening day by day. I also could look at me as an outsider to see how stupid I was when I did this or that, then I can be more mature later.
But now I discovered a new concept ; blog, where I can spread my thoughts and feelings and share them with all of my friends and even with some one I dont know.
I used to have no emotional support. No one, exactly no one! I was mentally on my own for my whole childhood and even when I grew up a girl, I didnt have a friend who is close enough to me that I can share my thoughts or feelings. I found everyone around me unlike me. I found myself to be a black sheep in the crowd and I got isolated mentally. My friends didnt have same thoughts with me about things, they didnt share their feelings with me as they didnt have same ones. So I could say the diary was the only emotional support to me when I was younger and it was the one who (or which) gave me smiles after tears, who (or which again) filled my soul and my mind with unanswered questions about things in life and about myself too. Day by day, I discovered things about life and about me (both good and bad ones, hopefully, good ones are more than bad ones :)) with the diary. I asked myself then I answered those questiones myself too. I got the answer either correct or incorrect. And since I didnt have anyone to share those things with, so both the correct and the incorrect answers stayed with me until I grew up more.
But now, forget them all, leave them all behind you since I found blog. You can say I'm countryside or whatever, but I thank me so much that I found "blog". There we go, I can always share my feelins with you guys whom I know and whom I dont know. I'm not gonna be alone anymore.


Blogger The Passionate Traveler... said...

Great start Moony.. I love the colours on your blog and your first posting sure comes from the heart. I am grateful that I am in your life and I enjoy every part of being in it. I look forward to our adventures in the future and the times to come!!!


The Passionate Traveler

P.S -where are my clothes again? I hate writing these comments in my underwear...

7:35 p.m.  
Blogger Moony said...

I'm afraid that I look forward to the adventures even more than you do! Let's share,ok?
Huggies & kisses
P/S:I dont hide your clothes. They hide themselves. Anyway, underwear is much more comfy to wear. It's hot, isnt it? I mean the weather!

11:47 p.m.  

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