Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My day in SOS!

No, no. I'm fine! I have nothing worng with my health. I'm quite fine, I can eat a horse!

Okay, my day in SOS was about evaluating the way they run the reception area. I was offered a job in SOS as the Receptionist Supervisor and I wanted to do an observation for one morning then I could make the right decision of taking or not taking the post. They offered me 10 or 15 mins only, but I told them I would prefer to be there for the whole morning then I can understand more about the shit that I'm jumping in. Ok, just kidding, but the job is really messy and stressful. Oh, come on. It's about medical and it's SOS! Wake up! What do you expect? A morning with newspaper and coffee or tea and chatting around? No, forget it or get out!
For me, the job is quite interesting. Why? Because it's stressful and messy? No, not that reason! I'm not that crazy. I like it since it's totaly new to me. I'm now doing the job about guy thing. No, no, not about how to take off women's clothes and how to put something on/in something. It's about technical stuffs and I gotta hanlde the job with 5 big guys who are technical guys and they are sooooo technical. Professionally I mean. I dont know and dont care about them personally. Well, I like my current job actually. But it's time to move on. That' s all! Who wants to stay at one place for too long? Would be boring, wouldnt it? I cant stand the boredom, sorry Mr. Boss!!!
Ok, now come back with my day in SOS. Yes, it's messy and it's tressful and whatelse? Oh yeah, I like it! I worked for the whole morning and came back for a talk with the manager in the afternoon. They were looking forward to listening to me and to my feedbacks on the work there. Ok! You are doing a good job. The staffs are nice and friendly. However, I myself could see some sand there. This shoulld be done and that should be improved and the staff should be like this not like that.And blah blah blah.... They listened to them all. And..... "How long have you been in this industry? 4 or 5 years?" asked the manager. "No, it's only no more than 2 years actually" I should be honest, thinking was I before answered. And this was what I got" Wow, you seem like...." and a body language was used to express something looks like so ...... WOW.
Thanks God that I passed the test and they paid lots of attention to my opinions and the great thing is we share some of them.
Okay, that's good! I was asked to come over again the next morning to have another interview with HR manager. And another interesting story about the HR manager. I accidentally now working for the company which provided and installed the telephone system for SOS. And I remembered that when the installation was in process, I came to SOS many times to do my job and one of SOS's people that I usually contacted with was a guy whom I thought was working in IT Department since he got involved the IT and technical things a lot. And we worked well together to have the system installed and everything related done. And today, when I came to SOS to do the observation job, I saw him again, coming toward me saying Hi. I turned to him and said Hi in a very very casual and technical way:
" Hey, long time no see.How r u mate?"
He was just "I'm Ok! What are you doing here?"
"I'm going to work here with you, guy."
"I know, I know. Oh, and the Clinic Manager Assistant was trying to get me an interview with you as soon as possible."
Still thinking he was working in technical department or such and he was kidding me, I was so.......:
"Sure, let's see when is best time to get together somewhere for the interview. But you know what? I prefer some other places than here. Since it's too cold in here ( they are running the AC for the medicine's sake) I prefer somewhere hot, or at least, warmer than here." attached with a wink in a girly way!
"Ok,we'll see." Said he
Then I turned to the Assistant of the Clinic Manager, who has been interviewing and observing me since beginning: "Ok, so ....?" with a waiting voice.
She smiled back at me in a very soft way"This morning looked good. I'm thinking of arranging the time for you to have another interview with the HR Manager." then she turned to the technical guy: " Do you think you can manage to have an interview with her as soon as possible?"
"Sure, I think tomorrow morning would be great." said the technical guy.
He's not technical man and he is the HR Manager!!!
I'm dying!!! I'm dying!!
No, I;m still here, alive! and I have to see him tomorrow for the interview.

And then I came to SOS the next morning for the interview with the HR Manager as scheduled. Luckily that I passed the interview without any trouble. He's nice actually and anyway, the one who is the decision maker is not him alone, but many others and the most important one is my Manager who I have been in a good relationship with since begnning.

It sounded like I will get the answer from them in next 1 or 2 days about the contract and if everything is going on well, I will start my new job since mid June. I got a new job, almost:))

I'm excited for the new job and it's sooo new to me. Soooo many things for me to learn there. There we go..........Just keep swimming......just keep swimming.......


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