Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What a day!

It was a very long and tired day for me yesterday.

Got lots of things done in the day, went to employers to hand over the CV, did some researches on internet about jobs. Then got back to a place where I could send emails to employers again, did some reading and waiting. I was so trying to stop me from sleeping in the afternoon. But I couldnt and at the same time, I gota wait for calls from some friends. So all I could do was passed out a little while and that's why it made me even more tired. And that's not all!!!

I got home for dinner and got wet from the rain on the way home. Shit. Dinner done! Trying to get out of the house to go to a place then we could talk. Ok, talk! Had some fun actually. So that's better!

Got home, got shower and when I was walking around the room to get my clothes, I got a very deep cut in my finger from the fan and everything came out.

Blood, tiring feelings, frustration, depression, and anger came with tear and fear.

I just wish I could get over everything that I went through for the last few weeks.

I just wish I could get a job then I can get back the feeling I'm useful again.

I just wish I could forget what hurt me before then start thinking more positively and optimistically. No use!!!

I just wish I could find my peace again.

It really sucks when those bad feelings stay inside of you that long at the same time you are having a bad time of having nothing to do.

What do you do when you have nothing to do? Err....err... I do .... nothing.Yeah, bored!

Anyone realise the Vietnamese meaning of the above pic? Hahahhahah!!!!


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