Friday, July 28, 2006

What Sorry means?

I dont know!

Sometimes, it means everything when you say sorry and then everything is healed.

Sometimes, it means nothing when you say sorry too much and too late and what you did and said before saying sorry has destroyed almost everything and nothing can be done now to heal the wound.

What respect means?

Sometimes, it is when you dont evaluate someone according to what you see, not to what you want to see.

Sometimes, it is when you love someone for the real person inside of them and for the way who they are, not for the one you want them to be.

Sometimes, it is when you see what they have tried to be with you and you are happy with it and you are proud of themself for themself, not for anyone else.

Why this happens? Keep hurting and then keep saying sorry. Until when?

How long does it take you to understand the real and deep meaning of love and mutual respect? It seems to take forever.

Is it time for me to think of self-respect? Trying doesnt help, never satisfy. Deep down inside, I know I dont deserve this.

I deserve better.

I know thorns are everywhere, and patience is required from both to overcome all thorns and get the rose after the thorns.

Just dont hurt each other with these thorns, ok?

There's a song for you to listen to at the title of this entry. Enjoy it!


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